Recruiting & Staffing

We create connections.

We design tactical Recruiting plans for small businesses.

  • Full-cycle recruiting and more!
  • We will create your unique job posting and post on popular and targeted job boards
  • Interviews are conducted and Candidate Reports are sent to hiring managers
  • Follow-up interviews, virtual or onsite, are scheduled
  • Continued candidate communication throughout the process

We focus on strategic Staffing plans for small businesses.

  • Create a staffing plan for your company
  • Help you budget for your staff
  • Know when you need to hire
  • Continued candidate communication throughout the process

We build Compensation plans that fit your business.

  • Job description creation
  • Market analysis to determine pay ranges
  • Bonus/incentive plan design
  • Employee referral plan design
  • Non-monetary perks

Where our passion comes from

Jesus connected with people to help them find a new path for their lives. When he called His disciples, Jesus said He would send them out to “fish for people” in order to help the people find a new path for their lives. Inspired by this directive, ConnecTwelve exists to help employers who are searching for the most passionate people to join their team, find their path, and help them succeed.